M’dor L’dor is a much-anticipated and inspiring evening that has been a HALB tradition for close to two decades. The fourth grade girls at HALB get to celebrate their glorious mesorah and their love and appreciation for Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.
This night is especially beautiful because it is a multigenerational event celebrated with mothers, grandmothers, and even some great-grandmothers. The night was kicked off with a delicious buffet dinner followed by inspiring speeches highlighting our special role as Jewish women and the wonderful gift of our heritage as it is passed down from generation to generation.
Representing the great-grandmothers was Mrs. Ruth Mermelstein, great-grandmother of Hailey Aspir. Next was Mrs. Trudy Rubenstein, grandmother of Kayla Deutsch, and representing the mothers was Dana Frenkel, the mother of Lana Frenkel. The group enjoyed watching a video montage depicting each girl with pictures of her and the generations before her.
The highlight of the evening was the musical performance put on by the girls in HALB’s beautiful state-of-the-art auditorium. The choir was headed by Mrs. Tzila Schulman, HALB’s beloved music teacher. The girls sang songs expressing their appreciation for their moms, and to the generations of mothers before them for guiding them on the right path.
Included also were songs for the safety and protection of all of Am Yisrael, and for our brave soldiers in the IDF. The evening was culminated with mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers joining hands with their daughters for some lively simcha dancing!
All the guests left on a high, inspired by the feeling that our great mesorah continues to be passed down, in an unbroken chain, m’dor l’dor.