President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris walk along the Colonnade of the White House, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, to the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Of course, Joe Biden has to go, but it would be best if we had a little more patience and ousted him fairly and democratically at the polls in November.

And no, it’s not just because Donald Trump said it. The fact is, Biden has indeed been the worst president in the last 40 years. That assessment has nothing to do with his cognitive decline, his encroaching senility, or his overall incompetence as a world leader. It’s about his bad decision making, his kowtowing to leftists and anarchists, his personal fiasco in Ukraine, his disaster in Afghanistan, his threats to Israel, high inflation, illegal immigration, and so on.

Still, those who support him call him one of the most successful presidents in recent history. They lie and he lies, but they are not called out effectively enough on that reality. Let’s take the employment statistics as a glaring example. Biden and those around him never hesitate to say that he, President Biden, created 15 million jobs, the most of any president in history.

The truth is that close to 14 million of those jobs were people who went back to work after the Covid pandemic, when so many businesses were closed and people forced to stay home. So, as any reasonable and truthful person would surmise, saying that this president created 15 million jobs is fundamentally dishonest and deceptive.

Here’s another one. The border is closed or the border is secure. Tell that to the young girls and women who were raped and murdered by migrants who were allowed to cross the border illegally and are roaming our cities.

Last week, in an effort to illustrate just how in touch and on top of world affairs President Biden is, his representatives related how he threatened Prime Minister Netanyahu in April after Iran fired off 300 missiles and drones in the direction of Israel. At the time, Biden did not want Israel to retaliate against Iran. In his mind, the fact that none of the missiles or drones hit Israeli territory was a reason for Israel not to strike back. Biden was so indignant that he told Netanyahu that if he does hit Iran hard, then Israel will be on its own and will not be able to count on U.S. support.

This potential betrayal of Israel by President Biden is the event that his advisors are pointing to for how “in touch” with reality he is.

And now, with the advent of the Republican National Convention, which begins next Monday in Milwaukee, we are witnessing a political tug-of-war within the Democratic Party about Biden’s future. That is, should he stay or should he go?

Some very prominent Democrats are urging Biden to step down, not just because they believe he cannot beat Trump in November, they feel he will be a drag on the down-ballot candidates and questions concerning his competency could contribute significantly to the Democrats losing the Senate and giving the Republicans a larger majority in the House.

In the meantime, while there is a split developing on the left about Biden’s future, it seems that at 81-years-old, the president’s heart is being hardened not unlike that of Pharaoh in the story of the Exodus from Egypt.

It seems that after the debate debacle we saw two weeks ago and the verbal beating that Biden is taking in the media, he should be more than pleased to gracefully step aside and enjoy whatever he imagines his legacy is as president and Senate career before that.

At this juncture, it seems that Biden is committed to holding on, and from this perspective, it seems like it would be the best thing for the country.

On the left in this country, it looks like leadership is a game of sorts almost completely based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). That’s why when those involved began speculating about skipping over Vice President Harris and searching for another candidate, they were immediately slammed and denigrated for disrespecting a woman of color who could be making history by becoming the first woman of color to be president of the U.S.

And if we’re going to play the DEI game instead of searching for the most competent person to fill that vital role, then we should point out that no, Kamala Harris is not an African-American. Her mother was from India and her father was Jamaican. Is that the most important consideration the U.S. has to factor in to select the proper leader of the free world?

But the Bidens—Joe, Jill, and Hunter—are not buying it and are hanging on. Word from inside the White House is that Hunter is now Joe’s top advisor. I’m not sure what all this means to Joe, but it is clearer what’s really at stake when it comes to both Jill and Hunter. As far as Hunter is concerned, he is now a convicted felon and is facing further serious charges on tax crimes in September.

Of course, if he ends up getting convicted of the tax crimes and if President Biden should decide to run again in November, the father can always pardon the son and let him go on living his life as a free man.

When Biden was asked if he would pardon Hunter soon after his conviction, he said that he would not. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t pardon him. It just means he said he won’t do it.

For Jill Biden, it’s difficult to see how her motivation to push her husband to run again in his degenerative state is anything but selfish. For Jill and Hunter as well as other Biden family members who have accrued vast wealth by influence peddling the “Biden name” all these years, stepping aside under pressure is not a viable or good option.

An even more important catalyst to push Joe to run is how a Republican Department of Justice will rightfully investigate and hold to account the manner in which President Biden and his family have compromised U.S. foreign policy in exchange for large sums of money. They are apparently very fearful of that scenario unfolding post January, 2025.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress on July 24. Some Democrats are trying to arrange a boycott of the Congressional address. Netanyahu is also scheduled to meet with Biden. Whether or not that meeting takes place in the White House is uncertain, but a White House official stated to CNN that “they will likely see each other when the Prime Minister is here over the course of that week.” With a stall in the ceasefire and hostage deal, and the U.S. growing increasingly frustrated with the way Israel has conducted the war, the question is: How will the optics of a Biden-Netanyahu meeting play out from an electoral perspective?

It will be good to see Netanyahu also meeting with former President Trump. That could either help or hurt the ongoing war with Hamas. The pitiful thing here is whether it’s a question of children dying in Ukraine, hostages being held by terrorists for almost a year, or criminals roaming freely because the border is wide open, the fact that all these situations have to endure with no end in sight because of a political or electoral calculus is not just bad, it’s troublesome and disgraceful. n


Read more of Larry Gordon’s articles at Follow 5 Towns Jewish Times on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates and live videos. Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome at and on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


  1. B”H Mama Mia, the late crooner Dean Martin would exclaim! So much piled garbage of lies to compete with the publisher’s idol, the mega-MAGA dictator-in-the-making never mentioned by name, 34-counts, so far, convicted felon disgraced 45th President! The outrage is the more compounded by the editor’s conclusion that our beloved nation would be better with the returned Administration of political misfits eagerly implementing the fascist agenda contained in the Heritage Foundation’s blueprint Project 2025. Never one to evince doubt or a scintilla of learning beyond his pedestrian right-wing religio-political extremism, Larry Gordon remains supremely confident that our 248-year-old liberal secular democracy will be vouchsafe in the hands of my nominal Republican Party! Really, the fundamental Christian nationalism of Speaker Mike Johnson and Sen. Josh Hawley? More grist for grossly-misnamed 5TJT that has long-become fodder for misinformation and disinformation, as the latest drivel attests? How long will I toil to include MAGA cultists like Larry on my mailing list, vainly attempting to educate self-evident ideologues who in repeated national elections they embarrassed a resident accomplished community? My Party needs a catastrophic defeat in November in order to bring about a moral cleansing and legal acceptance of election, to view political opponents as fellow Americans to accept and embrace; in the words of the late Sen. John McCain referring to our distinguished President Obama as “a decent, family man with whom I’ve some differences.” Along amicable tones, Gordon is oblivious to acknowledge, our decent incumbent President should soon withdraw, in order to permit a more vital successor at the helm of tomorrow’s America —- not the one we trounced yesterday, in 2020,
    clearly defeating the avatar of the worst impulses in our people: lacking the benefits that our Founders exhibited that fateful Constitutional Convention, September 1787. Timeless Judea-American values must be protected, defended and perpetuated. The 5TJT has long betrayed them, its leadership similarly rejected as unworthy of our attention or serious consideration of anachronistic, really hateful, certainly wantonly divisive opinions. With fraternal affection, Asher 🙏🤣🙏😩🔯😢🇮🇱

  2. In January, 2020, US employment was at 152million. The next two months saw 20million jobs lost due to Covid, but the numbers started going back up in May, 2020. By December, 2020 employment was somewhat restored to 142million. 10 million of the jobs lost were back by the time Biden came into office. In May 2024, employment in the USA was 161million, 19million jobs more than the number that Joe Biden inherited (source: Bureau of Labor Statistics), and 9million more than employment at the peak of Trump’s term. So, yes. 10 million of the Biden figure is a restoration of jobs that were lost under Trump, but that’s an additional 9 million Americans employed thanks to Joe Biden.

    I guess maybe that’s unimpressive when you think of Trump’s 2019 claim that Ivanka herself had added 14million jobs, which was especially miraculous as that happened over a time period when the entire US economy had only added 6million jobs … But who cares about truth when you’re trying to pump up the achievements of a Trump?


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