The annual dinner for BYAM took place on January 15 at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence, New York. The overflow crowd attested to the fact that this Bais Yaakov, whose doors opened only eight years ago, has made an indelible mark on the Five Towns/Far Rockaway community, and has become the school of choice for many parents. The excitement and warmth in the room were palpable from the moment you entered, as people were welcomed personally by the menahel, Rabbi Nosson Neuman. The mouthwatering and plentiful buffet provided by Scott Fagin of Oasis Catering, combined with the elegant décor by Luminox Events, set the tone for an evening that will be remembered by all who attended.
To reinforce BYAM’s mantra that it’s all about the talmidos, the dinner this year opened its doors to its students and scheduled a separate program for them, hosted by Rabbi Yitzy Haber. Replete with a magic show and hostess aprons bearing the BYAM logo, the girls were an integral part of the program and enjoyed seeing a different facet of their “home away from home.” The highlight of the evening for the talmidos was when they presented their menahel with a beautiful gift: An artistic rendition of the Hadran by Yona Weinreb in honor of Rabbi Neuman’s personal siyum haShas. The girls also presented Rabbi Neuman with a large card signed by all of the students and staff at BYAM. It was a proud and beautiful moment for all involved!
The eighth annual dinner also celebrated the momentous naming of the Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam building in memory of Mrs. Rose Dancziger, a’h. The history and life of this special woman was poignantly portrayed in a video presentation where her life story was told by her beloved children and extended family. Mrs. Dancziger was a Holocaust survivor and family matriarch who left behind generations of children and grandchildren who are shomrei Torah u’mitzvos. Mrs. Dancziger’s legacy will now be enriched and endowed with the z’chus of the learning that will take place in the hallowed halls of Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam every day. Yehi zichrah baruch.
Dr. and Mrs. Moshe and Dalit Kalaie, the recipients of the Guests of Honor award, greeted their friends and family who joined them that evening with their signature warmth and grace. The pages of the dinner journal were filled with words of gratitude and recognition for this very special couple. BYAM is honored to have Adina and Shiri Kalaie as talmidos, and is grateful to the Kalaies for entrusting them with their precious daughters and for all that they do for the school. May we continue to share Yiddishe nachas with the Kalaie family!
Dr. Rivka Gutkind was presented with the well-deserved Educator of the Year award, and many members of the community, family, and friends came to pay tribute to her decades of accomplishments in the field of special education. After her many years of devoted service at the Rabenstein Learning Center, which she founded and directed, Dr. Gutkind brought her wealth of knowledge to what was then the new, budding Bais Yaakov in the community. Together with the principal, Mrs. Leah Zytman, Dr. Gutkind and her team of therapists have created an environment where every student, no matter what her challenge, is given the tools she needs to succeed and iy’H reach her full potential. Dr. Gutkind truly makes sure that no stone is unturned for every student who walks through her door.
The dinner event was enjoyed by all, and the icing on the cake was the lavish dessert room that left all the guests feeling happy and satisfied with an evening well spent. Known for its parting gifts to dinner guests, the school presented everyone with a monogrammed Havdallah candle. Thank you to D&R Central Baking and the Present Mediator for the personalized pastries and parting gift.
Thank you again to all who attended the Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam eighth annual dinner, and to all who gave their support in honor of this landmark event. May you be gebentched with berachah v’hatzlachah in all of your endeavors, and may we continue to see true Yiddishe nachas from all our wonderful children.