Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), the ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, in Jerusalem, Israel, Feb. 21, 2023. Credit: Amos Ben-Gershom/GPO.

Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated on Thursday that U.S. President Joe Biden is prioritizing antisemites over a close U.S. ally in his threat to withhold weapons from Israel if it launches a military operation in Rafah, the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip.

“President Biden’s clear threat to Israel, made on network television, made it obvious that he and his administration are more concerned with pacifying anti-Israel, and often antisemitic, sentiment among potential voters than with supporting our close partner during a critical time of need,” Risch said.

Biden admitted to “blocking—at the 11th hour—a contract that was already approved by Congress, paid for by Israel, and manufactured,” the senator said. “This sale would actually reduce collateral damage in Rafah and elsewhere.”

Read Rep. Anthony’s D’Esposito’s statement: “If you are truly concerned with protecting the lives of innocent civilians, both in Gaza and Israel, the best course of action is helping Israel to eradicate Hamas expeditiously.  We have watched as Hamas has continued to attack aid coming into Gaza, which should surprise no one.  This terrorist group has a brutal history of cowardly hiding behind human shields and a general disregard for human life.  If you want to protect innocent life, your course of action should be clear: ensure that Israel receives American aid as quickly as possible.”

Read Rabbi Hauer’s statement: “This would tie Israel’s hands, give Hamas leverage and hope, and – by perpetuating the false narrative of Israel “going after population centers” – provide more oxygen to that vicious hate afflicting American Jews.”

U.S. partners and allies are watching the Biden administration’s actions closely. “Israel is our closest partner in the Middle East, and Iran and Hezbollah delight in seeing what President Biden is doing to publicly shame our ally,” he said.

“President Biden has given Hamas the greatest victory it could hope for; he has driven a wedge between the United States and Israel,” he added.



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