Daf Yomi: Yolk Tales
An interesting Pesach product that will take on added relevance this year is egg matzah. Is egg matzah kosher l’Pesach? Can egg matzah be used to fulfill the biblical...
Daf Yomi: In Hot Water
The following is based on a true story.
Nathan comes home from his out-of-town dormitory. He loudly declares, “I’m starving!” His mother gently reminds him that he managed for a...
Daf Yomi: How Far Would You Go for Cocoa Bombs?
Some may know of the latest food craze, hot cocoa bombs. There is something people find comforting about dropping these bombs in hot milk, watching them “explode,” thereby releasing...
Pesachim 16a: Fueling the Flames of Chanukah
Those who studied the daf this week were forced to challenge their long-rooted understanding of the finer points of the Chanukah miracle.
The Gemara in Shabbos tells us that the...
Daf Yomi: Sparking Debate
A nice Chanukah present might be the FlashTorch. It’s billed as the world’s brightest flashlight, sporting 4,100 lumens of power. Interestingly, it comes with a safety switch. Why would...
In 11 Months, OU’s ‘All Daf’ App Logs 40,000 Participants
A record 40,000 participants from more than 130 countries have participated in daf yomi through All Daf, the Orthodox Union’s (OU) innovative free digital app that has made Gemara...
Smachot, Special Guest Make Siyum on Eruvin More Memorable
By Marcy Farrell
The wide, expansive lawn on South End Avenue in Woodmere was buzzing with excitement Sunday, November 22, as the Hadran Women of Long Island gathered to make...
Daf Yomi Insights: Building Blocks of Halachah
A recent weekly periodical dealing with hilchos Shabbos shocked many families. The Hilchos Shabbos Initiative newsletter stated that it is forbidden for adults and chinuch-age children to play with...
Daf Yomi: Seeking a Shady Exemption
By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow
During this pandemic, many minyanim have taken place outdoors. Some of these ad hoc minyanim don’t have enough chairs, and it can be very enticing to...
Daf Yomi Has Helped Me Cope With Coronavirus
By Rachel Honeyman via Kveller
On March 8, in a bustling and noisy bagel shop in the Five Towns, I stood alongside nearly 30 women to recite a prayer called the Hadran....