Abusers And The Obligation To Apologize

This week is parashas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim, wherein the Torah deems it necessary to enumerate the concept of arayos. There have been plenty of headlines and stories about people who have...

Business Halacha: Who Should Be Believed?

  Mr. Lander had sued Mr. Braun in beis din. They stood before Rabbi Dayan and his colleagues. Rabbi Dayan turned to Mr. Lander. “You are the plaintiff,” he said. “What...

Quicken Loans and the Issue of Ribis

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman Agudas Yisroel recently published a Psak Din signed by leading Gedolim about the prohibition in borrowing money from Quicken Loans without a Heter Iskah. Among those...

Dirshu Takes Australia By Storm

By Chaim Gold “The response to the Dirshu siyum in Melbourne has been unprecedented! Several new Daf HaYomi B’Halacha shiurim have been added on top of the four existent shiurim,...

From The BHI Hotline: Gemach, Part II

In last week’s article we discussed the extent of liability that a gemach that rents out clothing and costume jewelry may impose on a renter without violating ribbis when...

Halachic Musings: Anger Management

Believe it or not, Rav Elyashiv’s grandfather invented the first anger-management program. In secular circles, it is thought that anger-management programs first originated in the 1970s by clinical psychologist Dr....

Business Halacha: Computer on Hold

One of Benjy’s computers stopped working. He took it to Shlomi’s computer shop to be fixed. Shlomi examined the computer quickly. “The electric supply and CPU have to be replaced,”...

From The BHI Hotline: Operating a Gemach, Part I

Question: I plan to open a gemach that will rent out clothing and costume jewelry for a nominal fee. I want each renter to sign a contract accepting full...

Business Halacha: Someone Else’s Chametz

“How was your Pesach?” Mr. Weiss asked Mr. Cohen, his neighbor. “Baruch Hashem!” exclaimed Mr. Cohen. “It was wonderful!” “Before Pesach, you had a question about chametz that your clients were...

The Great Post-Pesach Beer Crisis Of 2018

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Americans love beer. Beer is the third most popular drink in the world, after water and tea. On average, each American consumes 2 1/3 gallons of...

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I Like Mike

It was a great event. That is, the Israel Heritage Foundation recognizing former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee as the next U.S. Ambassador to Israel. The...

The Trump Inferno

It is difficult, if not impossible, to understand what took place in Los Angeles and the surrounding area last week. Thousands of homes were...

Worth A Thousand Words

By Malkie Gordon Hirsch Magence Developing pictures from my phone has always been a struggle for me. I told you about almost deleting my entire inbox...


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