Daf Yomi Insights: Building Blocks of Halachah

  A recent weekly periodical dealing with hilchos Shabbos shocked many families. The Hilchos Shabbos Initiative newsletter stated that it is forbidden for adults and chinuch-age children to play with...

Halachic Musings: Shaming Sheitels

A few weeks ago, in his weekly motzaei Shabbos shiur, the chief rabbi of Israel, Rav Yitzchok Yosef, shlita, voiced his opinion that sheitels are forbidden, even those with...

Ivanka Trump in the News and Halachah

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Recently, some Jewish websites and print publications published a rewrite of a Vanity Fair piece on Ivanka Trump. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency's piece was penned by...

Halachic Musings: President Trump and Hakaras Ha’Tov

  The world is a better place because of Winston Churchill. He inspired the free world to fight against the evil of Hitler, yemach sh’mo. However, we, the world, demonstrated...

Halachic Musings: Adhesive Bandages on Shabbos

  Recently, President Trump was spotted with two bandages on the back of his hand while he was telling everyone that he was medication-free. This prompted the media to begin...

Halachic Musings: A Tale of Two City Schools

  By Rabbi Yair Hoffman There exists an unsung group of heroes who are true role models for their dedication to education. They are the menahalim of our yeshivos whose desire...

Halachic Musings: COVID-19 and Bikur Cholim

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Perhaps never before in human history have the halachic aspects of bikur cholim, visiting the sick, been so pertinent. We lived through the pain of the...

Halachic Musings: The Vatican, Piglets and Halachah

Some people will not be happy about the halachic topic to follow. Still, one of the goals and values of the Torah lifestyle is to become closer and closer...

Treating the Enemy: What to Do About Saeb Erekat

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Saeb Muhammad Salih Erekat, Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the PLO, regularly calls stabbings, car-rammings, and shootings by Palestinians against Israeli civilians “self-defense.” He has equated...

Halachic Musings: Have We Lost Our Way?

  By Rabbi Yair Hoffman On one hand, his speech patterns and facial countenance remind us of that cutie-pie little boy who was adorably defiant of the teacher and principal back...

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I Like Mike

It was a great event. That is, the Israel Heritage Foundation recognizing former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee as the next U.S. Ambassador to Israel. The...

The Trump Inferno

It is difficult, if not impossible, to understand what took place in Los Angeles and the surrounding area last week. Thousands of homes were...

Worth A Thousand Words

By Malkie Gordon Hirsch Magence Developing pictures from my phone has always been a struggle for me. I told you about almost deleting my entire inbox...


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