The 5 Towns Jewish Times

Chai Lifeline Announces Appointment of HaRav Doniel Neustadt

Rabbi Neustadt


Chai Lifeline is pleased to announce the appointment of HaRav Doniel Neustadt, shlita, as the official mara d’asra and posek of the organization.

“It is with great pleasure that we welcome Rav Neustadt to the Chai Lifeline family,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “Rav Neustadt brings years of experience and insightful halachic expertise to this role and will serve as a valuable resource to our staff, volunteers, and families.”

Rav Neustadt is the rav of Pine River Village in Lakewood, New Jersey, and previously served as the yoshev rosh of the Vaad HaRabbonim of Detroit and as the mara d’asra of Bnai Israel-Beth Yehudah in Oak Park, Michigan. Prior to that, Rav Neustadt was the rav of Young Israel of Cleveland Heights and the principal of Yavne Teachers College in Cleveland, Ohio.

Rav Neustadt succeeds Rav Elimelech Bluth, zt’l, who served as Chai Lifeline’s posek for close to 20 years and passed away in September.

A leading children’s health support network, Chai Lifeline provides critical assistance to children with life-threatening or lifelong illnesses and their families, through more than two dozen free year-round programs. Learn more at