Shaar Lev celebrated its annual Chanukah Party this past week. Shaar Lev, in its third year, serves local children with unique learning needs who attend public school. The children get their limudei kodesh learning at HALB every day after school from 4-5 p.m.
Children enjoy learning parashah with Rabbi Eli Herzberg and dinim and chagim with Rabbi Dovid Libman. They also get to learn kriah with Morah Batsheva Milworn, Morah Tamar Mosak, and Morah Michal Silberberg. Dovid Schiffer, who works summers in the Diamond Program, serves as HALB’s in house behavior management specialist.
Many Shaar Lev graduates have gone on to reintegrate back into local yeshivot like HALB, South Shore, Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island, and Yeshiva Darchei Torah.
HALB coordinates this program with local public school district 15 and thanks Superintendent Dr. Anne Pedersen and Rabbi Jeremy Feder for all of their assistance over the years.
HALB parent and District 15 speech therapist Stephanie Greenberg serves as the liaison between the public school system and HALB in making sure each child is grouped according to his or her abilities.
The vision for Shaar Lev was developed by Mr. Richard Altabe in conjunction with Dr. Anne Pedersen, and is a model for inclusion that has been recognized throughout the Jewish educational world.