The 5 Towns Jewish Times

Israeli leaders say Jerusalem terror attack a result of Abbas’s incitement

Mahmoud Abbas. Credit: World Economic Forum.

( Following Wednesday’s terrorist attack near Jerusalem’s Shimon Hatzadik light rail station, in which a Border Police superintendent was killed and 13 people were injured, Israeli politicians denounced Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for his incitement against Israel.

“This attack was the direct result of the incitement of Abbas and his Hamas partners,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. “This front of hate wants to run over all of us. Peace will come when Abbas stops calling Jews ‘defilers’ and he stops embracing murderers.”

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said, “The rhetoric of incitement of Abbas–who, with one hand, spreads hatred and lies against the State of Israel and, with the other, glorifies and exalts Palestinian terrorists who attack Jews–is responsible for the bloodshed in Jerusalem.”

In a letter to foreign ministers around the world, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman also slammed Abbas’s incitement.

“The Palestinian leadership needs to be held accountable for glorifying terrorists and murderers to ensure that its conduct is in accordance with accepted international norms,” Lieberman wrote, according to Israel Hayom. “A society in which cold-blooded murder is revered by the head of state is not one that can be expected to pursue peaceful coexistence. Such a ‘terrorocracy’ can lead only to increased conflict and bloodshed.”

Last week, Abbas’s Fatah movement declared Oct. 31 to be a “day of rage” in Jerusalem, calling on Palestinian “fighters” to defend the Al-Aqsa mosque.

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