When Jerry Latinik of Efrat and Chicago found himself and his community in financial difficulty, he realized the impact an individual act of chesed can have. The experience inspired the launch of Just One Chesed, an app matching chesed needs and volunteers from the Jewish community and nonprofits in America and Israel.
After Jerry created a Shabbos of achdus (togetherness) in Chicago with seven shuls, he recognized how just one person’s act of kindness could make such a difference to families facing challenging times. Even though there was not much money to work with, Jerry said, “I realized that there were so many ways we could give. The biggest game-changer is giving of ourselves.”
Just One Chesed launched a platform that is all about chesed, placing all opportunities and needs in one place. Volunteers (individuals, organizations, schools, families, clubs) register on the Just One Chesed website or the mobile app. The user specifies what kind of chesed opportunity they want to engage with and they are shown chesed opportunities in their specified location matching their criteria.
This type of interactive, on-demand experience ensures that the chesed will be timely, fulfilling, and effective.
Just One Chesed is also a valuable resource, building a worldwide organization directory with search engine optimizations to find the best-suited organization to provide help for individuals in need.
Growing and becoming a worldwide chesed network depends on getting volunteers to help continue building the software and reach of the Just One Chesed experience. Jerry has received a wonderful response so far and is wildly optimistic knowing that the Jewish attribute of chesed will fuel Just One Chesed’s potential, allowing it to grow, one chesed at a time.
Join the revolution and sign up today as an organization or a volunteer! Click here for the apple app and here for android. For more information, contact info@justonechesed.org.