Kulanu leader has recently portrayed himself as the real, moderate Likud, but in an interview with Haaretz he outlines a hawkish agenda.
Moshe Kahlon, who set up the Kulanu party for the upcoming elections, said on Wednesday that he sees no possibility of reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians in the foreseeable future. The former Likud communications minister also said he is in favor of continued construction in the settlements.
In recent campaign speeches, however, Kahlon said he represents the real, moderate Likud.
“At the moment we have no partner and there’s nobody to talk to on the other side,” Kahlon said in an interview to Haaretz Wednesday.
“A courageous leader must stand up and recognize Israel as a Jewish state and agree to a united Jerusalem and large settlement blocs (in the West Bank),” he said. “They must renounce the refugees’ issue and understand that there’s no return to the 1967 borders. The Kulanu party will support any arrangement that strengthens Israel’s security.”
Kahlon emphasized that he would object to dividing Jerusalem under any circumstances, saying: “This leader should know that Jerusalem stays united. Since there’s no arrangement and no one to talk to, we shouldn’t deal with these issues at the moment and continue with life as usual until we reach an arrangement and [enter] negotiations. As long as there’s no arrangement there should be no change in the status quo.”
Kahlon has been talking continuously with all the major parties’ leaders in recent months, except for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “We haven’t made contact,” he said, when asked why he and Netanyahu are not talking to each other.
Asked if he’s disappointed with Netanyahu, Kahlon said: “I’m in another party. Obviously, if I’d felt comfortable in Likud I’d be there. I’m disappointed with the way Likud handles social causes.”
However, all the parties are potential partners, including Netanyahu, he said. Kahlon has spoken a lot so far about the high cost of living and especially about the exorbitant housing prices, but his views on other issues have remained a mystery. He said he will not support the so-called nation-state bill. The bill, which has been approved by the cabinet but has yet to go to the Knesset, defines the State of Israel as “the nation-state of the Jewish people” — an overriding identity whenever democratic principles clash with Jewish interests.
“It’s no secret that the nation-state bill wasn’t a matter of principle but political legislation intended to provoke,” he said.
He refused to say whether he would support same-sex marriage or a similar arrangement. “I think people should be allowed to live their lives as they see fit. Personally I’m a traditional person, but I think people should live according to their faith and have individual rights,” he said.
Although he is observant, Kahlon supports public transportation on weekends and holidays. “Public transportation on the Sabbath is a social issue of the highest order — of course, with certain limitations. But people who have no car and want to visit their soldier son …read more
Source:: Israpundit