IMG_4455 (1)Making History: Chareidi Soldiers Celebrate Siyum Maseches At Induction Ceremony

Soldiers from the Netzach Yehudah Battalion (Nachal Chareidi) recruited in the beginning of the month celebrated their oath-taking ceremony yesterday night at the Western Wall Plaza. For the first time in the history of this ceremony, a public siyum Maseches was held at the event. Prior to commencing basic training in the military, the charedi soldiers collectively celebrated a siyum on Maseches Megillah, a commitment that they undertook to complete upon induction.

The oath-taking ceremony took place following the siyum, after which the new soldiers shouted, “Ani matzhir (I affirm!)” instead of the traditional “Ani nishbah (I swear)!” which has long been the practice in the IDF. The ceremony concluded with a rousing rendition of the song, “Ani ma’amin b’bias haMashiach–I believe in the coming of the Messiah.”

Addressing the audience who had come to watch the siyum and ceremony, the soldier who led the siyum on behalf of his company expressed that, “The Jewish nation approaches action out of learning. First, he learns, and then the action can be carried out in its ideal form. We at ‘Netzach’ act abiding by the Torah, which is why we are completing this Masechta as our introduction to military service.”

Rabbi Yaron David, a rabbi from Nachal Chareidi Foundation, said, “I want to say to the entire battalion that we’ve made history tonight!  An induction ceremony along with a siyum Maseches! May it be the will of Hashem that the merits of this siyum shall remain with you throughout your coming journey and safeguard you. May you benefit from boundless siyata diShmaya as you ascend in Torah and fear of heaven, with professionalism and absolute commitment to your goals as you fulfill this lofty mitzvah.”

Photo of Siyum attached.

To download a video of the Siyum:

Watch it on YouTube:

Photography by:  Nachal Chareidi Foundation


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