OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer:
Tuesday, commemorating Holocaust Day, President Biden was clear that “it was Hamas that unleashed this terror, that it was Hamas that brutalized Israelis, that it was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages.” He reiterated that his “commitment to the safety of the Jewish people, the security of Israel, and its right to exist as an independent Jewish state is ironclad, even when we disagree,” and has repeatedly stated that he supports Israel’s right to defeat Hamas. He movingly identified with the fear, the hurt, and the pain of the American Jewish community during the current spike in antisemitism that demonstrates how “hate never goes away; it only hides.  And given a little oxygen, it comes out from under the rocks.”
Then on Wednesday, the President publicly threatened to withhold weapons and resources from Israel if it pursues what it deems necessary to defeat the existential threat from Hamas. This would tie Israel’s hands, give Hamas leverage and hope, and – by perpetuating the false narrative of Israel “going after population centers” – provide more oxygen to that vicious hate afflicting American Jews.
Mr. President, we need your support to ensure that Israel is not alone, and that American Jewry is not alone.


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