The 5 Towns Jewish Times

Protect Eretz Yisrael; Vote Eretz HaKodesh

The Kotel


The kedushah of Eretz Yisrael is being threatened. You can protect it. The opportunity only comes around once in five years. It’s your chance to protect Eretz Yisrael from liberal movements that are pushing anti-Torah policies and programs.

Right now, The World Zionist Organization (WZO) is electing members of its Congress (the decision-making body of the WZO) and executive board members of the other national Israel organizations. This is a unique opportunity for the American Orthodox community to affect the culture and atmosphere of Eretz Yisrael. Yes, Americans can vote!

152 delegates will be voted in from United States based on your vote. These delegates will be elected to:

If the Torah community does not vote, we will not be represented. Without our votes, the influence and decisions will be placed in the hands of those who will decide policies that are most often anti-Torah. This is what happened in the last election because we didn’t vote.

Vote today to protect the kedushah of Eretz Yisrael at

In the 2015 election, the liberal Jewish groups won the majority of American votes. They tried to add a mixed section at the Kosel. They gave money to liberal anti-Torah projects and causes. They launched a program to teach pluralism in Israeli public schools. They welcomed hundreds of thousands of non-halachic “Jewish” Russians as Israeli citizens. They limited funding to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Now again, they’re gathering tens of thousands of votes to advance their agenda.

There is too much at stake for us to remain silent. Gedolei Yisrael have directed us to act for Torah. Numerous rabbanim, including HaRav Asher Weiss and HaRav Yitzchok Berkowitz of Yerushalayim, and HaRav Elya Brudny of New York (as reiterated at the recent 2019 Agudath Israel of America National Convention), feel that there is much merit in this endeavor and are encouraging these efforts.

To that end, Eretz HaKodesh, an American initiative to protect and uphold true Torah values in Eretz Yisrael, has put together a slate of delegates that represent the Yeshiva, Chasidic, Sephardic, and Israeli Torah communities of the United States.

Your vote matters! The outcome of the 2020 election is critical. If Torah representatives are elected to the WZO Congress, they will have an enormous impact on the Torah standards and traditions of Eretz Yisrael.

Voting is only open now through Wednesday, March 11 (Shushan Purim), and costs just $7.50. Learn more and vote at