Seven people were wounded, including one severely, in a suspected terrorist attack on a passenger bus in Israel’s Jordan Valley

One soldier sustained severe gunshot wounds and six other people—five soldiers and a civilian—were lightly injured, the Israel Defense Forces said.

The incident occurred on Route 578 between Beka’ot and the Beka’ot Junction, the Magen David Adom emergency service said. In an initial statement, MDA said two victims with gunshot wounds and two others injured by flying glass were treated at the scene by civilian and military paramedics. All the victims were conscious.

An MDA air ambulance evacuated the wounded gunshot victims, including the severely injured soldier, to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, while the lightly injured people were taken by ambulance to Emek Medical Center in Afula.

According to a report by Channel 12, two suspected attackers, residents of Jenin, were captured by the IDF after the vehicle they had used to flee the scene of the shooting caught fire. It is not yet clear how the fire started.

On August 30, two Israelis were wounded by gunfire after entering the Joseph’s Tomb site on the outskirts of Nablus to pray, according to the Israeli military.

They were part of a larger group that had entered Nablus without coordinating with the IDF as required by law, the military said.

All the civilians were rescued and evacuated from the site by the IDF. The wounded were transported to the hospital, one of them via an army helicopter.