SKA freshmen enjoyed a paint night

Ninth graders at  the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls had a great time “painting the night” on motzaei Shabbat, February 8. Led by Art Academy teacher Mrs. Meredith Pyle, the freshmen honed their artistic abilities while painting a butterfly canvas. Bonding over delicious ice cream and snacks, the girls appreciated the opportunity to mingle in a relaxed atmosphere in the school auditorium with their grade advisers, Mrs. Sheila Leibtag, Mrs. Rikki Ash, and Mrs. Tzippy Calm, and madrichot Chaya Bodek, Rocheli Lowy, Shira Strauss, and Bina Weiss.

The other SKA grades benefited from delightful extra-curricular activities that weekend as well. The school building buzzed all night long as the sophomores stayed up for their Layl Iyun learning, baking challah, and of course, dancing with their grade advisers Mrs. Kayla Bach and Mrs. Sheva Mezei and madrichot Sophie Blumenthal, Arielle Jacobowitz, Liba Kurz, Danielle Kohler, and Esther Lamm.

SKA 11th graders spent a warm and wonderful Shabbat together in Woodmere, enjoying the hospitality of their peers and the company of their grade advisers, Mrs. Avi Shmulewitz and Mrs. Leanne Taylor and madrichot Chani Boczko, Esther Fruchter, Devora Zweig, and Rivka Zimmerman.

Looking forward to an evening of friendship and fun, SKA seniors, together with their grade advisers Mrs. Avital Braun and Mrs. Paghit Ralbag, will be “Escaping the Room” on their night out! 


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