Mazal tov to Hannah Lewin, Talia Loskove, Molly Sigman, Isabella Weisfeld, and Arielle Yarmish, twelfth-graders at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls, who were honored with the Yedid Yesha award Tuesday evening, December 29, at One Israel Fund’s virtual event.
As part of their eleventh-grade project for the Reut Honor Society, the SKA students created a promotional video of One Israel Fund to raise awareness of the organization’s mission. This three-minute, information-packed video explains One Israel Fund’s vital work and lifesaving projects in Judea and Samaria.
The SKA girls were presented with intriguing necklaces made from rockets directed at Israel as thanks for their amazing work. In addition to increasing public knowledge of One Israel Fund’s activities, the video has generated many donations to the organization.
Yashar koach to Hannah, Talia, Molly, Isabella, and Arielle for being ambassadors of One Israel Fund for the next generation!