Tent encampment at Columbia University. Source: YouTube.

Senator Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, along with members of the New York State Senate Republican Conference today called on Governor Kathy Hochul to immediately deploy the National Guard to protect Jewish students at Columbia University and to join their call for the resignation of Columbia University President Minouche Shafik, who has shown herself to be incapable of restoring safety and order on her campus.

The letter to the Governor follows a week of pro-Hamas protests at Columbia University and neighboring campuses expressing support for violent terrorists, harassing and instilling fear into their Jewish classmates, attacking NYPD officers with bottles, and calling for the deaths of Jews. The Columbia protests follow the horrifying attacks of October 7, 2023, and subsequent months of hate-filled demonstrations on college campuses across the country. Chants heard at Columbia over the past week have included, “We are Hamas,” “Hamas, make us proud,” and “Kill another soldier now.”

The letter reads, “We urge you to use your authority to deploy the National Guard at Columbia University immediately. With more than $13 billion in its endowment fund, Columbia University should be more than capable of covering any costs to the state of New York.  We also request you join us in calling for the immediate resignation of the Columbia University President, who has capitulated to these extremists and their radical supporters.”

“The targeting and harassment of Jewish students at Columbia University is deeply troubling and completely unacceptable. The NYPD needs our full support as they work to manage this ongoing crisis.  Every university should be a safe and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their background or beliefs. Such acts of discrimination and intimidation have no place in our society and must not be tolerated. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community and all those affected, and we implore Columbia University and the Governor to take immediate and decisive action to address this issue and ensure the safety and well-being of all its students,” said Senator Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick, SD 9th.


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