The 5 Towns Jewish Times

Top Ten Tough Jew Movie

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Israel is facing wars on multiple fronts and in the Diaspora where Jews are under attack daily, celebrities remain shamefully silent. One cant even think of a single strong Jewish Hollywood voice who is pro-Israel and a respectable role model for our people.

For example, Steven Spielberg who has done so much good for the Jewish people has been largely quiet since October 7th. Thirteen months ago, he made brief comments and claimed his organization is collecting testimonies and accounts from survivors of the October 7 attacks, which we still haven’t seen or heard about. Since then he has been largely silent about Anti-Semitism worldwide and has never been seen even wearing a yellow ribbon. If he was alive in the 1930’s and the Jewish people needed him he would have failed us. His film still hasn’t come out, maybe it will after the next Holocaust we face? A voice which could do so much good.


So many of us are mega disappointed in Adam Sandler who made a career playing Jewish stars, including his blockbuster hit “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan.” Sandler has been deafeningly silent even on Anti-Semitism near his home in Los Angeles and while he claims that he dreams more than anything of visiting Israel, noting “Well, I haven’t been to Israel and I’m the Zohan, for God’s sake. I’m excited to get there” he is 58 years old and has never made any visible effort in real life to help the Jews. We wont hold our breath.

What there are however are movies largely with fictional characters, as Arthur Phillips wrote in his New York Times best-seller, The Tragedy of Arthur, “In American literature and movies, the reigning Jew is still the meek scholar or the mild family man, although I’ve lately noticed a growing cinematic population of tough Jews, surprising hero soldiers, rebels, kickers of Nazis ass, the occasional gangster…”

And among them are some great movies with tough Jews. Here is a list of Top 10 Tough Jewish Movies Ever:


The Jewish people are the people of Samson and the Maccabees, the fighters of Masada and the Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky, our holy IDF and today’s contemporary fighting Jews the people of Israel. While in Israel we have plenty of well-known tough Jews, sadly silence is deafening among them in Hollywood.


Ronn Torossian is an Israeli-American entrepreneur.