YOSS Yeshiva Bein Hazmanim

Speak to any of the 60 Yeshiva of South Shore students fortunate enough to have participated in this year’s Yeshiva Bein HaZemanim and they’ll tell you that this year’s program was the best! (But that is what’s said every year…)

On January 21 and 22, talmidim entered the building like on any other morning to begin their day with davening and learning. However, by 10:15 the day began to resemble anything but ordinary. Each day featured exciting activities.

YOSS Yeshiva Bein Hazmanim

On Tuesday, they boarded a coach bus and headed to Campgaw Mountain where they enjoyed two and a half hours of snow tubing. It’s almost February, and although we’ve hardly seen an inch of snow here in New York, Campgaw boasted over a foot and a half of the white stuff with perfect conditions for exhilarating snow-tube fun.

Wednesday featured an outing to High Exposure. Forty-five-foot-high rock climbing, Ninja warrior obstacle courses, Parkour elements, and more. This trip proved to be a heart-stopping, adrenaline-pumping experience for all. Included in the schedule was a visit to EJ’s Place where the boys enjoyed a pizza lunch. The boys (and by extension, the entire yeshiva) were praised for their wonderful behavior wherever they went.

A fantastic time was had by all. So mark your calendar…only 360 days to YBH 2021! YBH is a favorite with students and parents alike because it combines Torah learning with exhilarating fun.

HaRav Dovid Schustal Inspires YOSS Motzaei Shabbos Learning Program

This past motzaei Shabbos, Yeshiva Toras Chaim – Bais Binyamin at South Shore was privileged to host HaRav Dovid Schustal, shlita, at its motzaei Shabbos learning program. The large crowd of tinokos shel beis rabban and their fathers, friends, and relatives who learn with the children, had the great z’chus of seeing Rav Schustal and hearing his penetrating message overflowing with ahavas Torah and ahavas Yisrael.

HaRav Dovid Schustal at YOSS Motzaei Shabbos learning

Rav Schustal was introduced by the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, who described the impact that Rav Schustal’s grandfather, HaGaon Rav Aharon Kotler, zt’l, had in planting Torah in America by founding Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. Rav Schustal is one of Beis Medrash Govoha’s roshei yeshiva. Rabbi Kamenetzky mentioned the close kesher he had with Rav Schustal’s father, HaGaon Rav Simcha Schustal, zt’l. Some lucky boys from Bachurei Chemed – Yedidei Hashem at YOSS had the opportunity to meet him in his yeshiva in Stamford, Connecticut.

Rav Schustal was beaming as he looked at the crowd of kinderlach and expressed his delight at seeing such a beautiful gathering of teiyere neshamos filling the beis midrash learning Hashem Yisbarach’s Torah. He talked about the mesiras nefesh of Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky and the close connection of the Kotler and Kamenetzky families, starting with the relationship between Rav Yaakov and his grandfather Rav Aharon Kotler, zt’l.

His message to the Olam was crystal clear. “How fortunate we are,” he thundered, “that we are Hashem’s chosen nation, the Am Kadosh, different than the nations around us. Hashem chose us to receive the most special gift ever to be presented in the entire history of the world, his precious Torah!”

This week’s program is one that will not soon be forgotten by the many who were fortunate to be in attendance. It was a night when our children witnessed the grandeur of Torah. After the program concluded, the boys and fathers lined up to give shalom to Rav Schustal and to receive his warm berachos.


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