The 5 Towns Jewish Times

YOSS Unveils New Yahadus Curriculum for Mechina

Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky teaches Yahadus at YOSS.

Yeshiva of South Shore has a comprehensive curriculum to provide a well-rounded chinuch to talmidim of the Mechina. Recently, the hanhalah introduced another exciting weekly segment. Until now, the shiurim and talmidim concentrated solely on Gemara, Chumash, and halacha, and rightfully so. However, there are many important components of Yahadus which are important as well.

The new segment focuses on understanding various topics in hashkafah, halacha, and mussar, and is delivered by Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky. The interactive shiur is based on the classic, Sefer Orchos Yosher, written by Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, and together, the boys delve into topics of mussar and halacha, such as emes, tefillah, and pilpul chaveirim, discovering sources from all over Torah, and applying them practically to today’s teenagers. Rabbi Kamenetzky blends in his own insights and stories to illustrate the various lessons from Chazal as well.

“I feel that this weekly class will give the talmidim an added dimension of Yiddishkeit, as they start to look at the world through the vision of our Chazal,” remarked the menahel, Rabbi Zev Davidowitz. “I have no doubt that the boys will enjoy these lessons, and will gain much from them.”

The talmidim have been enjoying these shiurim, and their rebbeim look forward to seeing the boys grow in these extra zones.